

You have a right to privacy In a society increasingly determined to erode that right, a fast, trustworthy and easy-to-use VPN is a good first step toward reclaiming it.


PGP Keys

About us

Mullvad VPN AB is owned by parent company Amagicom AB. The name Amagicom is derived from the Sumerian word ama-gi & #8211; the oldest word for & #8220; freedom& #8221; or, literally, & #8220; back to mother& #8221; in the context of slavery & #8211; and the abbreviation for communication. Amagicom stands for & #8220; free communication& #8221; .
The team

Mullvad VPN AB and its parent company Amagicom AB are 100% owned by founders Fredrik Str& #246; mberg and Daniel Berntsson who are actively involved in the company.
The rest of the team

Robin L& #246; vgren, Simon Andersson, Linus, Richard Mitra, Sanny Mitra, Odd, Andrej Mihajlov, Alexander Busck, Stefan, David L& #246; nnhager, Oskar Nyberg, Joshua Bj& #246; rk& #228; ng, Eric P& #252; tter, Matilda, rui hildt, Gr& #233; goire D& #233; trez, Victor Johansson, Albin, Douglas Afzelius, Hank, Michal Petrucha, Steph, Jan Jonsson

Reviews (2)(Average Rating 5.0 / 5.0)


Is this safe?


Been using Mull since many years ago. Their commitment to the extremely impressive WireGuard protocol is so well implemented. I feel safe with all of their features through years of putting my faith in it. 1) Safest / fastest tunnel WireGuard (default) 2) Multi-hop. Route your traffic through for example... Entry in Sweden, connection hops to Iceland. 3) Obfuscation. UDP over T***** (hides to local public networks under a t***** port of your choice) 4) Fast as ***** 5) No names, no emails. Just a long number like on your credit card. That's it. 6) Exceptionally good pricing 7) Not only do you get to choose which country you enter and exit from, you may choose RENTED or WHOLLY OWNED servers 8) No gaming lag / latency 9) I love Mull <3 i didn't get paid to write this but Mullvad if you are reading, thank you. you rock.